1) Find Something To Look Forward To
Because everyday is pretty much the same, I think it’s super important to find something to look forward to. For me, it’s going on my daily walk outside. I cherish being outside and I’m grateful the weather is warming up.
2) Establish a Routine
I’m sure by now you’ve heard the importance of establishing a routine. But I truly do believe that routines help me structure my day and set the tone for how the rest of my day is going to go. For example: I wake up around the same time everyday, make my bed, drink water, make my coffee, and write in my journal. If you want to read more about how I’ve been structuring my day and adjusting to online classes, here is a blog post documenting a “Day in the Life of a Quarantined College Student”.
3) Be More Present
Now more than ever, we all have the time to slow down and be more present. This is something that I am still learning and struggling with. I am so used to being on the go and being busy, that it’s hard to just sit down and give my full attention to whatever it is I’m doing. I find myself rushing through my meals during the day because I feel like I need to get back to doing work. Instead, I should allow myself to enjoy my meal without feeling guilty. Even when I am watching Netflix or YouTube at night, I try to multitask and go on my phone at the same time. Instead, I should focus on one and try to stop absorbing so much content at once.
4) Pursue a Passion Project
Again, we all seemingly have more “free time”. This is the perfect time to start that project that you have always wanted to start. For me, the passion project that I am pursuing is this blog actually! I have always wanted to start a blog. Though this blog started as an assignment for my marketing class, it gave me the perfect excuse to continue writing posts. This time in isolation and social distancing reignited my passion for writing. I forgot how much I enjoy writing and being able to express my thoughts in a creative way.
5) Gratitude
I like to think that I have always been a grateful and appreciative person. But this time in isolation has taught me to not take mundane things for granted. For example: I took in-person classes for granted. Who knew that I would be attending my last in-person class of my junior year on March 11? I miss seeing my classmates everyday and the routine of walking to class. I miss simple things like going to the grocery store and not being paranoid. I miss going out in public and not being fearful because of racism and xenophobia against Asians. I don’t even know what “normal” will entail once everything settles down but I know that I will no longer take what normalcy was for granted.